Pinterest Pin of the Week: Simple Cues for the 'S' Sound
This great post by Communication Station Speech Therapy is our Pinterest Pin of the Week with almost 250 repins so far.
[Source: Communication Station Speech Therapy]
Difficulty producing the “S” sound is a typical parental concern. It is not uncommon for children to use interdental placement (i.e. tongue between the front teeth) to produce the “s” and “z” sounds. The question many parents have is “How do I get my child to make the “s” sound correctly?”
Today I will share with you my the very simple tried and true cues I have used over the years for children who appear to be typically developing in all other areas of development, (cognition, communication and articulation with the exception of “s” and “z” production).
Read the Rest of this post on the Communication Station Speech Therapy blog
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