Stick Or Carrot – Research Could Aid In Diagnosing Neural Development Disorders
[Source: Medical News Today]
The stick can work just as well as the carrot in improving our performance, a team of academics at The University of Nottingham has found.
A study led by researchers from the University’s School of Psychology, published recently in the Journal of Neuroscience, has shown that punishment can act as a performance enhancer in a similar way to monetary reward.
Dr Marios Philiastides, who led the work, said: “This work reveals important new information about how the brain functions that could lead to new methods of diagnosing neural development disorders such as autism, ADHD and personality disorders, where decision-making processes have been shown to be compromised.”
The Nottingham study aimed at looking at how the efficiency with which we make decisions based on ambiguous sensory information – such as visual or auditory – is affected by the potential for, and severity of, anticipated punishment.
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