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Study Suggests Pre School Treatment for Selective Mutism Yields Better Results

Editor’s Note: Thank You, Vera Joffe, PdD for this link!
[Source:  NIH via Vera Joffe]
Recently, the first prospective follow-up study conducted 1 year after the end of a cognitive behavioral treatment for children with SM was published (Oerbeck et al., 2015). Authors found that children who are treated in a younger age are more likely to show 100% success, i.e., they are more likely to not qualify for the diagnosis of Selective Mutism one year later:  78% of younger children (3 to 5 years old) did not qualify for the diagnosis of SM one year later at follow up, as compared to 33% older children (6–9 years of age) who did not qualify for the diagnosis.
The study also reported that some children still qualified for a diagnosis of Selective Mutism. They also stated that the severity of the symptoms affected the outcome of treatment and the symptoms one year later.
Read the Study on the NIH Website

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