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Are Enough States Following Federal Restraint and Seclusion Guidelines?

[Source: Education Week, On Special Education Blog]

Students with disabilities represent 12 percent of all students, but 67 percent of students who are restrained or secluded. But while federal policy governs many aspects of how to educate students in special education, there’s no similar mandate governing the use of restraint and seclusion.

The closest that lawmakers came was in 2010, when the House of Representatives passed federal restrictions, but the bill ultimately died in the Senate.

hat wasn’t the last the federal government had to say on the matter, however. Though it doesn’t have the force of law, the U.S. Department of Education in 2012 released “Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document,” in which it outlined 15 principles that states should consider using when creating their own policies and procedures.

Read the Rest of this Article on Education Week

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