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Prone Position: 14 Fun Activities for Kids

19th December, 2017

[Source:  The Inspired Treehouse]

Tummy time isn’t just for babies!  It can be just as beneficial for older kids, too!

Recently, we have come across several kids who just don’t have the muscle endurance to stay on their bellies and play!  Why?  These are the kiddos that spent very little time on their tummies as babies and, often, didn’t even crawl!

They are the kids who may seem a bit “floppy” and have poor core strength.  Maybe they’re w-sitters.  They often have difficulty with fine motor skills and they can even have very poor endurance during play activities.

What to look for…

If you notice a child doing any of the following while playing in prone, it may be a sign that they could use more exposure to this position:

-Breath holding

Read the Rest of this Article on The Inspired Treehouse

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