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‘Lentils Will Help You Run Faster:’ Communicating Food Benefits Gets Kids to Eat Healthier

[Source:  Science Daily]

That’s according to a study published today in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior by Washington State University and Florida State University scientists.

The researchers found affirming statements like ‘eat your lentils if you want to grow bigger and run faster’ were more effective at getting kids to make healthy food choices than presenting the food repeatedly without conversation.

In fact, kids ate twice as much healthy food when they were told how it would benefit them in terms they could understand as opposed to when they were given the food with no contextual information.

“Every child wants to be bigger, faster, able to jump higher,” said Jane Lanigan, associate professor in the WSU Department of Human Development and lead author of the study. “Using these types of examples made the food more attractive to eat.”

Read the Rest of this Article on Science Daily


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