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OT Corner: Tips for Teaching Self Regulation at Home

[Source: Your Therapy Source]

Self-regulation isn’t just an at school social emotional learning activity.  Self-regulation is important for the whole family.  Teaching self regulation at home is necessary because children develop the ability to self-regulate by being around self-regulating adults. It’s crucial for parents, as well as teachers and care-givers, to understand the movement-mindfulness-self-regulation-executive function connection.

Whole families and classrooms are stressed and, therefore, not as productive or harmonious or high achieving as they desire.  Yet, all it takes is more movement and reflection to develop the mindfulness which enables self-regulation and executive function.  Any time you choose to self-regulate, you are automatically operating from your higher order thinking brain or, executive function.  To do this, you have to check in with and take care of your BODY.

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