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SLP Corner: Speech and Language Garden

[Source:  Bright Ideas SLP]

This week I am working on a Speech & Language Garden… aka flowers on my bulletin board. It’s so easy and provides many data collection opportunities.
Here’s how it’s done: You simply cut out circles for the middle of the flowers.. I went with yellow for a daisy theme. Next, freehand cut some petal shapes in the color of your choosing. Like so…

Finally, simply have your kiddos draw pictures, write sentences, or complete a task at whatever level they are at. For the articulation groups, I gave them target cards and told them to draw pictures/write the words. Then I went around the group to obtain data, and put their petals onto their respective flower.  I’ve arranged flowers by target sounds, language, social skills, categories etc. One group was working on identifying emotions, so we made an “Emotions” flower.

Read the Rest of this Blog Post on the Bright Ideas SLP blog

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