NEW! Issue Number 59: Teaching & Therapy Resources for the Classroom, Clinic and Carryover

New Name, but same great resources and activities for teaching and learning in the classroom, in the clinic, for distance learning and for summertime and weekly carryover! (Have you missed any of our previous issues? Read them HERE)
Please feel free to forward this weekly resource to the parents/guardians, other therapy clinicians or anyone else that loves inspiration and new ideas. Here are this week’s featured boards and posts for you!
Featured Boards:
Featured Posts/Pins
- Want Some Lemonade? – Speechy App Fun
- Super Bubble Recipe for Summertime Fun
- Summertime Tx Fun: 20+ Ideas for Pool Noodles
- Make This Over the Summer! Great Up-Cycled ‘Miss Piggy’ Therapy Box
- 11 Free Handwriting, Fine, Gross and Visual Perceptual Printables for Summer
- TpT Speech Freebie for Summer: That’s Fishy – for Negation and Associations
- Watermelon Counting and Fine Motor Activity
- Pediatric Therapy Corner: 36 Fun Summer Activities for Kids Who are Blind or Multiply Disabled
- OT Corner: 4 Fun Summer Themes That Encourage Movement
- SLP Corner: Tips for Summer Break for Children with Selective Mutism
- PT Corner: 5 Fun Summer Activities to Build Gross Motor Skills
- Sensory/Autism Corner: 10 Fun Summer DIY Sensory Games for Kids
Did you get this link from a friend, educator or therapist? Sign up for your own copy HERE!
PediaStaff is Hiring!
All JobsPediaStaff hires pediatric and school-based professionals nationwide for contract assignments of 2 to 12 months. We also help clinics, hospitals, schools, and home health agencies to find and hire these professionals directly. We work with Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational and Physical Therapists, School Psychologists, and others in pediatric therapy and education.