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Free App Alert: S.E.E (Social Emotional Exchange) From $29.99 to FREE!

[Source: Smart Apps for Special Needs]
An app that helps children recognize emotions by looking at facial expressions has gone FREE in the lead up to Autism Awareness Day.   This app is usually $29.99
We are not sure how long this app will be FREE for so hurry up and download it now while you can!
Please download S.E.E.  through the Smart Apps for Special Needs Website so our friends there can get a dollar or two for getting us these great app leads.

PediaStaff hires pediatric and school-based professionals nationwide for contract assignments of 2 to 12 months. We also help clinics, hospitals, schools, and home health agencies to find and hire these professionals directly. We work with Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational and Physical Therapists, School Psychologists, and others in pediatric therapy and education.


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