Pediatric / School-Based OT Guest Blog: Sensitive Sam
By: Britt Collins M.S. OTR/L and Jackie Linder Olson
This blog post has been reprinted with express permission of the author as it appeared on her Blog
Sensitive Sam written by Marla Roth-Fisch is an engaging look at how Sam feels and interprets the world. This is a great book for little kiddos trying to understand why they feel “different” and also good for older kids to grasp sensory processing issues. The author explores many sensory situations including school – which we all know is a biggie with our kiddos. Occupational Therapy is introduced and Sam and his parents learn how to help Sam feel better and more comfortable.
This is an amazing resource for any family. Parents will benefit as well. Specially if you’re overwhelmed and having a hard time understanding how your child might be feeling. Why they’re clothes are irritating them, why they’re having negative behaviours.
The pictures are colorful and fun. You’ll love Sam! I bought my copy on Amazon, but it’s also on the Future Horizon’s website
This Week’s Featured Bloggers:Britt Collins, OTR/L and Jackie Linder Olson
A Need Leads to a Tool
Like most parents dealing with an autism diagnoses, the Olson’s didn’t know what to expect nor which direction their journey with their son was headed. No parent can know how or which therapy their child is going to respond to and what will work for them until they try. Since OT did work so well for their family personally, Britt Collins, OTR/L and Jackie Linder Olson created a DVD series to help other parents and educators learn more about Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration. This award winning DVD series is used as a visual learning tool for parents, caregivers and educators to learn and implement OT and sensory integration into their child’s daily activities.
Many parents and educators have responded positively to these visual learning tools and are using the DVDs to carry over their occupational therapy that their child is already receiving in the home and classroom to help generalize those skills. Please visit TRP Wellness for more information.
About Britt:
Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Britt Collins, has worked tirelessly on OT and Sensory Integration awareness, research and application. With her award winning OT DVD series and new book, “Sensory Parenting,” she’s amongst the cutting edge leaders in the field. Her book is receiving glowing reviews from Dr. Lucy Jane Miller and Lindsey Biel, M.A., OTR/L and she’s been presenting nationwide alongside the legendary Temple Grandin, Carol Kranowitz and controversial autism activist, Jenny McCarthy.
Currently, Britt is practicing at Salem Hospital Rehabilitation Center in Salem, Oregon and nurturing her non-profit organization Special Needs United, which provides OT products and equipment to lower income communities.
About Jackie:
After experiencing dramatic improvements with her son’s SPD due to OT and SI, Jackie combined her filmmaking career and her passion for Occupational Therapy by co-creating a DVD series for parents and caregivers of special needs children. She has made it her life’s mission to spread the world about the wonderful, non-evasive, parent friendly therapy that she believe can help all children (special needs and typical!). Jackie and Britt’s first book in a series, “SENSORY PARENTING: Newborns and Toddlers” has just been published by Sensory World, a division of Future Horizons. She is currently working at Walt Disney Studios and tries to keep up with Britt’s speaking schedule.
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