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OT Corner: 17 Ways to Build Fine Motor Skills Into Your Curriculum

9th November, 2015

Editor’s Note:  This is a fantastic article that School Based OTs might like to share with the classroom teachers they work with!
17 ways
{Source:  Differentiated Kindergarten]
Some of our little ones come to our classes without ever having held a pencil, and suddenly, they are expected to show what they know and practice what we teach with grace and fluidity using a pencil.   But those little muscles don’t always have it in them to perform that way.  It’s why worksheets don’t always belong in a kindergarten class.   I know what you’re thinking, ‘But I have standards to meet and a curriculum to present.  I don’t have time to build fine motor activities into my schedule.’  You don’t have to build any extra time for fine motor, just use these ideas to meet your standards and provide invaluable experiences building those mighty muscles without ever picking up a pencil.  (You’ll find the common core standard in parenthesis after each activity!)
Read the Rest of this Post on Differentiated Kindergarten

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