OT/PT Corner: The Challenge of Incontinence for Kids with Challenges
[Source: HeartSpace PT]
I am honoured to work/teach with Julie Wiebe PT. I’m very excited about this application of Dynamic Core for Kids and I am grateful for her permission to re-post her recent blog.
Because I talk about incontinence, I often get pegged as the pelvic floor lady. Sometimes I get flack because some say I think “it’s all about the diaphragm”. But really… I am all about the system. I am suggesting a new approach to central stability that the pelvic floor just happens to be a part of. Its interaction with the diaphragm (and a lot of other moving parts) is critical not just for continence, but central stability, postural control, movement support, efficient function and optimum performance.
One of my favorite applications of these ideas is into the pediatric population with kids with significant motor, developmental, cognitive, and sensory challenges via an amazing collaboration with my brilliant colleague Shelley Mannell. We
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