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Therapist & Family Resource of the Week: Brain Injury Hub

Here is a great resource I was introduced to through Twitter.  Unfortunately, I was not good enough to remember who tweeted it.  My apologies!
The Children’s Trust is a national charity working with children who have multiple disabilities and complex health needs.  Based at in Tadworth, Surrey, it is the largest residential brain injury rehabilitation unit in the UK and also offers a nationwide community service for children and young people with ABI.   The Brain Injury Hub was conceived as a way of sharing the expertise at the Trust with a wider audience.
The site contains information for parents, guardians, teachers and other other professionals.    There are several in depth articles on working with children and families on memory, routine, structure and more.  In addition there is an excellent library as well as a forum.
Visit The Brain Injury Hub

PediaStaff hires pediatric and school-based professionals nationwide for contract assignments of 2 to 12 months. We also help clinics, hospitals, schools, and home health agencies to find and hire these professionals directly. We work with Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational and Physical Therapists, School Psychologists, and others in pediatric therapy and education.


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