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Therapy Activity of the Week: 'Zoom' – Wake up the Hand and Ready the Brain for Writing!

Special Thanks to our friends at for permission to reprint this excellent video! Please support our contributors and visit
Let’s do ZOOM!
John Murray, Occupational Therapist, has been teaching parents and teachers this easy fast technique to increase successful writing in kids! He has it down to 52 seconds after a few practice tries. Any teacher in any class can incorporate this before any writing activity takes place.
The purpose of ZOOM! is to wake up the nerves in the hands, separate the left and right sides of the brain and to get kids fingers in the right position for optimal writing position.
There is a separate Sensory Neural tract for the pencil.
John stresses that because achievement testing is not only testing a child’s cognitive ability, it is also testing their pencil use ability, it is gravely important to get that grip right! Request your child’s teacher to do this before all writing activities and they will see an increase in ability to write, concentrate on a given task and less frustration with writing. If a child is still having problems, it may be time for an evaluation by a qualified OT.

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