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[Source: Medical News Today] Video game addiction is a global phenomenon and appears to lead to poorer grades in school and serious psychological problems, including depression, anxiety, and social phobia, said an international team of researchers who followed over 3,000 third through…...
January 23rd is National Handwriting Day. Here are some great activities compiled from around the internet to help you celebrate with your students: John Hancock Fact Sheet on Handwriting Without Tears Check out the ‘Heroes Worth Writing For’ promotion from Pentel Corporation…...
Thanks to our friends at the Canadian Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists for sharing their review of ‘The King’s Speech’ with us!!...
By: Pamela Ullmann, ATR-BC, LCAT copyright 2011. Pamela Ullmann. This blog post has been reprinted with express permission of the author as it appeared on her on the Full Spectrum Blog Very often my goals as an art therapist will focus on…...
By: Tanya Coyle, CCC-SLP and special guest Mary Huston, CCC-SLP Copyright 2010. Reprinted with the express permission of the author as it appeared on her blog The Lexical Linguist The blog post was originally titled “Sojourn.” I am thrilled to have Mary…...
All material Copyright © 2009 National Down Syndrome Society Reprinted with the express permission of the National Down Syndrome Society as originally published on their website. By: The National Down Syndrome Society What Causes Down Syndrome The human body is made of…...
German, D. (2009, February 10). The ASHA Leader. The prevalence of child word-finding difficulty is high among learners with specific language impairment (25%; Dockrell, Messer, George, & Wilson, 1998) and learning disabilities (49%; German, 1998). Clinical reports also document WF difficulties among…...
Special Thanks to our new friend Jourdan Saunders of the blog Future SLPs for this week’s Therapy Resource, Autism Games We look forward to featuring her recommendations as a regular contributor. Here are Jourdan’s comments and blog post about this site: “Play…...
Potock, M. (2010, November 02). The ASHA Leader. For most of my career as a speech-language pathologist, I have focused on feeding treatment. Whether I’m treating a picky eater or a child transitioning from tube feedings to oral feedings, it’s ultimately about…...
[Source: The New York Times] SARAH WILSON was speaking proudly the other day when she declared: “My house is a little messy.” Ms. Wilson lives in Stroudsburg, Pa., a small town in the Poconos. Many days, her home is strewn with dress-up…...