Monthly Archive
By: Alejandro Brice, Ph.D, CCC-SLP, Roanne Brice, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Ellen Kester, Ph.D., CCC-SLP The Role of Families It has been postulated that language and cognition are intertwined from early childhood (Bruner, 1960; 1996; Piaget, 1976; Vygotksy, 1929). The argument over how…...
December 29, 2010
By: Britt Collins M.S., OTR/L and Jackie Linder Olson Here are some excerpts from Britt and Jackie’s new book that was just released October 2010 Buy this book on The Importance of Tummy Time OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST TIP: From a sensory and…...
[Souce: Medical News Today] Early intervention for children with autism, as young as 6 months of age, may change the development trajectory for later symptoms of the disorder according to a research project being spearheaded by the MIND Institute at the University…...
Special thanks to Judith Kuster for pointing us to this free handout from Ann Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP and Super Duper. Children with a history of cleft palate are at risk for resonance and speech problems due to velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD). Characteristics of…...
December 28, 2010
[Source: Adapted from an activity as seen on Speaking of] Do this activity when the students get back to school after the Christmas break. Talk about what resolutions are and try to come up something specific that they want to work…...
We found this cute activity for the New Year on by Ashley West Noise makers are a fun and common way to “ring” in the New Year! However, they often just get tossed in the trash or—even worse—littered in the street,…...
By: Jessica Hunt, OTR/L Kaufman Children’s Center for Speech, Language, Sensory-Motor, and Social Connections, Inc. Speech and occupational therapy overlap in many areas, to include feeding, swallowing, cognition, body posture and awareness, and others. In our current medical model, the common practice…...
December 27, 2010
By: Linda Dayton-Kehoe, COTA/L, Kellie Drake-Lightfoot, PT, MPT, Beatrica Kovacova, LPTA, and Colleen Manion, MS, OTR/L What is pediatric palliative care? Our pediatric palliative care team is an interdisciplinary group of medical professionals that provide emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychosocial care to…...
[Source: The New York Times] As recently as 2002, an international group of leading neuroscientists found it necessary to publish a statement arguing passionately that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was a real condition. In the face of “overwhelming” scientific evidence, they complained,…...
December 17, 2010
By: Skye Blue Angus copyright 2010. Skye Blue Angus. This blog post has been reprinted with express permission of the author as it appeared on her blog Cree-zy, Crazy Speechie Indigenous peoples are traditionally storytellers. Oral traditions are historical accounts, teachings, lessons…...