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[Source: University of Chicago via Newswise] Children with brain injuries may use gesture to signal they need help in developing language, research at the University of Chicago shows. The children who make the fewest gestures early in development also develop spoken vocabulary…...
Council for Exceptional Children is “encouraged” but requests details on decision-based assessments [Source: Disability Scoop]As part of a proposal to overhaul America’s education system, the Obama administration is calling for students with disabilities to “graduate from high school ready for college and…...
Washington (CNN) — A federal court ruled Friday that the evidence supporting an alleged causal link between autism and a mercury-containing preservative in vaccines is unpersuasive, and that the families of children diagnosed with autism are not entitled to compensation. Special masters…...
From The American Institute for Stuttering Blog: – AIS clinician Carl talks about an activity that he is using to motivate his kids stuttering therapy group to practice their speech skills at home…...
March 12, 2010
Ehren, B. (2009, May 05). The ASHA Leader. Many speech-language pathologists in schools are engaging in conversations in their school districts about response-to-intervention (RTI)—a multi-tiered approach to providing services and interventions to struggling learners at increasing levels of intensity—and some are playing…...
[Source: Reuters Health] – Music class may help improve certain types of sound perception in deaf children who have cochlear implants, a new study hints. Cochlear implants are small electronic devices that can give a sense of sound to people who are…...
[Source: New York Times] If you’re the parent of a child who’s having trouble learning or behaving in school, you quickly find yourself confronted with a series of difficult choices. You can do nothing — and watch your child flounder while teachers…...
Inclusion companions work to make sure young athletes with special needs included [Source: Chicago Tribune] Like many basketball players, 8-year-old Ariana Ferruzza would much rather score than play defense. So when she lingered under the basket one recent Saturday as the action…...
[Source: USA Today] From the day she brought her son Jack home from the hospital, Kim Leserman knew something wasn’t quite right. Leserman and her family live a quarter-mile from the Pacific Ocean in Manhattan Beach, Calif., but Jack wouldn’t touch sand.…...
The House approved a bill Wednesday to limit the physical restraint and seclusion of students in schools, a response to an investigation last year that found numerous reports of students abused or killed through such disciplinary measures. The bill, approved 262 to…...