Monthly Archive
January 1, 2008
By: Kelly Burgoyne This article can be found on Down Syndrome Online. Down Syndrome Online offers comprehensive information about Down syndrome, including articles, books and scientific papers. Though many individuals with Down syndrome are now able to achieve useful levels of literacy skills, it…...
January 1, 2008
 Interview with Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, Director, Sensory Therapies And Research (STAR)Center Tags: Sensory Processing Disorder OT PT Video...
January 1, 2008
All material Copyright © 2009 Lash & Associates Publishing/Training, Inc This article is reprinted with the express permission of Lash & Associates as it appears on their website By: Marilyn Lash, M.S.W. and Ron Savage, Ed.D. Does a brain injury affect a child differently than…...
January 1, 2008
Book, OT, PT, SLP, Yoga
[Source:] Once Upon a Pose will provide parents and teachers with all they need to know to practice yoga with kids. This one-of-a-kind guide shows you step-by-step: how to teach yoga to kids ages 3-12, pose descriptions with cheerful models, breathing…...
January 1, 2008
 by Ron Savage, Ed. D This booklet helps parents and educators understand how the child’s brain develops and why an acquired brain injury can have both immediate and long-term consequences. It shows how a traumatic injury can disrupt the brain’s development and…...
January 1, 2008
McCarty, J. & Romanow, K. (2009, March 24). The ASHA Leader. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists can participate effectively in early intervention programs when they understand the scope of these programs and their funding mechanisms. See the full Article HERE...
January 1, 2008
This handout was distributed by Dr. Gregory Lof at the 2009 ASHA convention. We reprint it here with his explicit permission. Read the Entire article HERE...
January 1, 2008
The New York Times recently published two articles on Text to Speech devices. The first article was basically a discussion of how insurance companies have been resistant to iPhone editions of popular software that is bringing portability, ease of use and affordability…...
January 1, 2008
At age 8 Nicole suffered a massive stroke. Now at age 12 she presents this speech on stroke at her school’s “Public Speaking Contest”....
January 1, 2008
By: Len Leshin, MD, FAAP Copyright 2000, 2003, 2003. All rights reserved. Reprinted with the express permission of Len Leshin, MD, FAAP as originally published on his Website Q: Is Down syndrome inherited? A: Only 3 to 5% of cases are inherited; the rest arise…...