Monthly Archive
January 1, 2008
Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum’s Guide, “The Ideal Classroom Setting for the Selectively Mute Child” is a wonderfully informative guidebook that will provide parents, teachers, and treating professionals with the advice necessary to help prepare the ‘ideal class setting for the Selectively Mute child.’…...
January 1, 2008
An easy-to-follow evaluation protocol designed to help organize your therapy and approach toward treatment. Coupled with specific exercises to implement your remediation strategy, we hope you will find this the most comprehensive resource covering the four sibilant sounds: /sh/, /ch/, /dz/ and…...
January 1, 2008
The Entire World of S & Z Instructional Workbook, by Christine and Jim Ristuccia, combines the best tips, techniques and proven therapeutic exercises for /s/ and /z/ into one handy reference book. The Entire World of S & Z strategy is to…...
January 1, 2008
By: Aviva Weiss MS, OTR/L Founder of Fun and Function This article originally appeared on the Fun and Function Website and is reprinted here with express permission of Aviva Weiss, the Author and the president and co-founder of Fun and Function LLC. NB: This article is…...
This books helps therapists and parents learn how to help their child to become more vocal, verbal, communicative, imitative and interactive. This resource is based on the original writings of Jean Piaget and Pam Marshalla’s three decades of clinical work with apraxic…...
The first comprehensive, developmentally based classification system for neurodevelopmental, (including autistic spectrum) mental health, language, and learning disorders. The ICDL-DMIC opens a new era in our approach to social, emotional, language, regulatory-sensory processing and learning challenges. [Source: ICDL] Read More About this…...
January 1, 2008
All material Copyright© 2008-2010 Girl Power 2 Cure Reprinted with the express permission of Girl Power 2 Cure as originally published on their Website. Activity Ideas Here are two simple things that have helped set a great tone in class. First, I read…...
January 1, 2008
Short documentary about stuttering created by students in the Film Production program at Vancouver Film School....
January 1, 2008
How teachers help children who stutter feel confident Stammering is one of the most common speech disorders, but recent research shows that many teachers don’t know how to deal with it – something the Michael Palin centre aims to change. Here children…...
January 1, 2008
Abraham, S. S. (2003, March 18).The ASHA Leader. Babies with tracheostomies are served by speech-language pathologists in acute care hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, homes, and the early education milieu. See the full Article HERE...