Monthly Archive
January 1, 2008
All material Copyright © 1991-2009 Stuttering Foundation of America Reprinted with the express permission of the Stuttering Foundation of America as originally published on their website. By: Rosalee Shenker, PhD Montreal Fluency Centre According to the recent United States Census, one in seven, or 31.8…...
January 1, 2008
By: Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP Published in ADVANCE Magazine April 19, 1999 Copyright © 1999 Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP This Article was reprinted from SRH Therapies with the express permission of the Author Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson. Film writers and novelists know that one quick…...
January 1, 2008
by: The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complete or partial lesion to the spinal cord. The result of SCI is functional loss (sensory motor and autonomic dysfunction); severity depends on the level and completeness of…...
January 1, 2008
Social Development For Individuals With Down Syndrome – An Overview This article can be found on Down Syndrome Online. Down Syndrome Online offers comprehensive information about Down syndrome, including articles, books and scientific papers. Social development includes social interactive skills with children and…...
by: The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability An individual who has sustained a spinal cord injury usually demonstrates some loss of motor function and/or sensation at and below the level of injury. The type and location of injury often dictates the…...
January 1, 2008
[Source] Kids Health Andrea is 12 years old and in the 6th grade. She likes to go swimming, play with her dog, and have friends over. She’s been in three dance recitals, and she even received a standing ovation once. She’s traveled to…...
January 1, 2008
by: Sue Buckley and Gillian Bird This article can be found on Down Syndrome Online. Down Syndrome Online offers comprehensive information about Down syndrome, including articles, books and scientific papers. Read the full text of “Speech and Language Development for Teenagers with Down Syndrome…...
January 1, 2008
Many speech sound disorders occur without a known cause. A child may not learn how to produce sounds correctly or may not learn the rules of speech sounds on his or her own. These children may have a problem with speech development,…...
January 1, 2008
by: Sue Buckley and Gillian Bird This article can be found on Down Syndrome Online. Down Syndrome Online offers comprehensive information about Down syndrome, including articles, books and scientific papers. Read the full text of “Speech and Language Development for Infants with Down Syndrome…...
January 1, 2008
by: Monica Bray There is a well developed literature on the development of vocabulary and grammar in children with Down syndrome but limited information in the area of speech production. The spoken language of people with Down syndrome often leads to a lack…...