Monthly Archive
June 30, 2022
Please enjoy our newest  issue of Teaching & Therapy Resources for the Classroom, Clinic and Carryover.    (Have you missed any of our previous issues? Read them HERE) Please feel free to forward this weekly resource to the parents/guardians, other therapy clinicians…...
June 29, 2022
[Source: NCCAPM] Every year in the United States, about 7,000 babies (or 1 out of every 600) are born with a cleft lip and/or a cleft palate. These are two of the most common birth defects found in the US. A cleft…...
[Source:  Little Bins for Little Hands] 4th of July has always been a favorite holiday of mine! Maybe it’s because we have always spent it on Cape Cod watching beautiful fireworks over the beach, checking out the parades each day and licking ice cream cones…...
[Source:  We Are Teachers] Pool noodles are available everywhere during the summer, and they’re inexpensive, too. So it’s a great time to stock up for fun, hands-on classroom activities, like Pool Noodle Phonics. What You Need: To make this hands-on activity, which…...
[Source:  Fantastic Fun and Learning] I’ve mentioned before that Tinker loves to “sew” but she’s not quite ready for traditional sewing projects. Instead we’ve tried a variety of projects using yarn and threading of sorts. Yarn-wrapped crafts have been some of her…...
[Source: Red Ted Art] Oh yes! Two of my favorite SUMMER themes collide – a wonderful DIY Watermelon Craft, meets the summer classic Yarn Weaving Project: How to make a God’s Eye! Now we have made God’s Eyes before! We love this nature God’s eye version…...
[Source:  The Inspired Treehouse] I always remember being a little bit scared of the fireworks on the 4th of July when I was a kid.  They always looked SO close, like they were just going to fall right down on your picnic blanket!…...
June 28, 2022
[Source: Medical X-Press] Linnea Sorensen falls into a funk whenever her girlfriend, who is a Marine, leaves for months at a time, and the high school junior has trouble concentrating on class work. “I’m somebody who struggles with my mental health quite…...
June 28, 2022
[Source:  Activity Tailor] I had a few years of summer speech that left me frazzled.  Trying to accommodate families as best I could, meant appointment here and there and, typical of summer, frequent cancellations or forgotten appointments that had me frustrated and sweating in professional…...
June 28, 2022
By Cara Koscinki MOT, OTR/L  SUMMER! It’s here! Most families look forward to summer’s relaxation and lazy days. However, the lack of routine and structure can be the cause of great stress for families of children with special needs. School routines are…...