Monthly Archive
[Source: The OT Toolbox] School-based OTs are often-times looking for occupational therapy activities for the end of the school year. Here, you’ll find fun occupational therapy interventions for the end of the year! We all need a little boost at the end…...
[Source: Math from My Angle via TpT] This freebie is a fun activity to do on the last day (or during the last week) of school. It provides students an opportunity to get up and move around while learning more about what…...
[Source:  Minds in Bloom] Here are 20 questions to help you and your students reflect on the school year. You could use these informally for discussion when you have a few minutes, or, for a more personal reflection experience, take a few…...
[Source: Therapy Fun Zone] Cootie catchers are great fun for kids to play, and they lend themselves very well to the learning environment. I use them in order to have kids work on writing within small designated spaces, and they can be…...
June 1, 2022
Article Reprinted with permission of Your Therapy Source as it appeared on their blog Have you ever considered having the children you currently work with create a list of advice or tips for other children for the next school year?  You could…...
Looking for activities for the End of the Year and Summertime?   How about a great link to share with the parents of your kiddos to keep them engaged in therapy over the next three months? Check out our newly expanded “Summertime and…...
May 31, 2022
[Source: Child Mind Institute] Binge eating — consuming an unusually large amount of food in a short period of time — was classified as an eating disorder in 2013. It is usually diagnosed in teenagers and young adults, but children can also…...
[Source:] Silver Spring, MD May 26, 2022 – The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) laments the killing of 19 children and 2 teachers in the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, TX. The grief unleashed by this violence forever changes…...
Editor’s Note:   The article itself is subscriber only, but the video is available for all.   They are so sweet!! [Source: USA Today] They look you in the eye. They don’t judge. They have heard more secrets than they will ever know. Meet…...
[Source:  The Atlantic] America’s baby-formula shortage has gone from curious inconvenience to full-blown national crisis. In many states, including Texas and Tennessee, more than half of formula is sold out in stores. Nationwide, 40 percent of formula is out of stock—a twentyfold increase since…...