Monthly Archive
[Source: Busy Bee Speech] Remember the game Don’t Break the Ice from when you were little? Well, it’s still around. I’ll bet many of you even have one in your therapy closet. I was at Walmart the other day and found one…...
Here is a great blog, recommended by NASP!! [Source: Kristina Sargent – the Art of Social Work] Here are a couple simple and easy to make therapeutic board games. These are also games you can find at your local second hand toy shop.…...
February 15, 2022
[Source: Kids Groove and Grow] Wintertime is a perfect time to create fun arts and crafts with children. How about some fun and easy igloo art ideas to keep children entertained and happy. Learn about igloos, support creativity, and practice fine motor…...
[Source: Lemon Lime Adventures] You can make the dull days of winter a bit more fun by participating in icy STEM challenges. This ice castle building challenge is the perfect STEM activity to try with preschoolers and toddlers. They will love building ice castles and…...
[Source: Living Well Mom] During the winter months, kids are obsessed with ice and all things snow. But sometimes, it’s just too cold to go outside and play or learn. But you don’t have to put on a coat to enjoy the…...
[Source:  Happy Hooligans] You probably remember making Borax crystals when you were a kid in school. You most likely made Borax snowflakes because it’s one of those classic science class experiments that kids have been doing for years. Well, my daycare hooligans…...
February 14, 2022
[Source: Mommy’s Bundle] Inside: Make a simple icicle winter craft and activity for kids to keep them entertained indoors. An easy idea for letter of the week “I”. My 3-year-old is always looking for an excuse to dump glitter or salt all…...
[Source: The OT Toolbox] This paper icicle craft is a fun one for wintertime occupational therapy activities. If you are working on Scissor skills, cutting icicles into paper is a great fine motor task that builds eye-hand coordination, crossing midline, and visual…...
February 14, 2022
[Source:  Hands on as We Grow] We’ve finally had a good snow here in Iowa and I feel like I can finally get into winter crafts and activities. It was hard to get in the Christmas spirit over the holidays without there being…...
February 14, 2022
[Source:  Medical X-Press] A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), reports that certain children with ADHD should be given priority when it comes to behavioral treatment. “Behavioral treatments are found to reduce symptoms of ADHD, tackle…...