Monthly Archive
April 6, 2021
[Source: Altogether Autism] What is ‘Autism Acceptance’, as opposed to the usual ‘Autism Awareness’, asks Penni Winter? AUTISM AWARENESS grew out of an earlier era, when few people knew what autism was, and so parents of autistics began public education campaigns. But from…...
April 6, 2021
Editor’s Note:  It’s almost Occupational Therapy Month!  We first published this article in 2012 but it is a great one that’s worth repeating! by Angela Hissong, DEd, OTR/L,CMCP The celebration of April is Occupational Month has been a constant in my life since…...
April 6, 2021
[Source: Your Therapy Source] A recent research review investigated the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions. It included mindful movements such as yoga on attention and executive function in children and adolescents. Following a systemic search, 13 randomized control trials were identified as meeting…...
[Source:  The Today Show] “Sesame Street” is introducing two new Muppets, a Black father and son, as part of an effort to help children understand racial literacy. The two Muppets, Wes and Elijah, were introduced in a short video created by Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit…...
[Source:  Science Daily] A comprehensive review published in the journal Psychological Science re-examines previous work that claimed to show a direct link between early screen time and attention problems in children. Although other studies do not reflect these findings, the earlier research continues to…...
[Source: Medical X-Press] The ability to control your own behavior, known as executive function, might not exist all in your head. A new theory proposes that it develops with many influences from outside the mind. The theory, detailed in Perspectives on Psychological Science, draws…...
[Source: Disability Scoop] Alongside funding for bridges and roads, President Joe Biden’s wide-ranging $2 trillion infrastructure plan includes a massive investment in home- and community-based services for people with disabilities. The proposal unveiled last week known as the American Jobs Plan calls…...
April 5, 2021
[Source:  Medical X-Press] Show your baby your love, and you’ll get a kinder, gentler adult child as your reward, a new study suggests. More than 20 years ago, researchers in Israel began studying the impact on newborns of time spent in physical contact with…...
April 5, 2021
[Source:  Medical X-Press] School-age children with autism may be faring better than commonly thought, with most “doing well” in at least some aspects of development, a new study suggests. The study, of 272 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), found that nearly 80% were…...
PediaStaff is very happy to announce that TxTools 2.0 is available in the App Store.  Completely redesigned for all the newest Apple iDevices, TxTools 2.0, has great styling! The beauty of this app is its simplicity  – four modules to handle the every day tasks…...