Monthly Archive
Welcome to Issue number 48 of our special e-letter, “Teaching & Therapy Resources for Homebound Families”     (Did you miss our previous issues?| Read them HERE) Each week, this e-mailer features new resources, articles about this bizarre time we are living in, and…...
[Source:  North Shore Pediatric Therapy] Balance, like many things, will only get better with practice and through challenging the balance systems. However, it can be hard to find time after school to work on balance activities when kids already have mountains of…...
[Source: The Inspired Treehouse] We’re happy to be partnering up with Dayna at Lemon Lime Adventures for the second post in our series together on  sensory processing.  Today’s post is all about the vestibular system – what is it, why is it important to growth…...
By: Elizabeth Gretz, MS CCC-SLP Reprinted with the permission of the author as it appeared on her blog Speech Lady Liz This book is great because of its repetitive phrases! Articulation: When reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear we work on syllableness. Syllableness…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] Here is a freebie from the latest download – Cut, Sequence, Paste and Draw Bugs and Butterflies.  It is perfect for Spring or Summer which is right around the corner.   This activity encourages: scissor practice, fine motor skills,…...
[Source:  Medical X-Press] The rate of survival of very preterm babies in Canada increased 25% after the national Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality (EPIQ) program was introduced in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) across the country, according to new research in CMAJ (Canadian Medical…...
[Source:  Red Ted Art] You know we adore easy Paper Crafts for kids, right? Well, we have a super duper special and EASY Bird Finger Puppet Origami project for you. These are so easy, and so fun to turn into doodle birds,…...
[Source:  Crisis via School Psyched] What is emotional self regulation? Emotional self regulation is the ability to monitor and manage our own behavior. With self regulation, we can calm ourselves down when we’re distressed, and pick ourselves up when we’re low.…...
Editor’s Note:  We originally published this article with permission back in October of 2013.  We reprint it here for its enduring value to clinicians by Libby Kumin; Source: Down Syndrome Online Many children with Down syndrome have difficulty with speech intelligibility. The…...
March 9, 2021
Editor’s Note:  This is just one of the great resources you can find on  Interestingly enough, it was originally written for the ASHA Leader.  Additionally, Click HERE for all the Articles we have published on the PediaStaff Blog on TBI by Roberta…...