Monthly Archive
[Source:  Pre-K Pages] When it comes to doing a dinosaur theme in preschool, you just have to expect some extra excitement. You can channel that excitement and turn it into a fun movement activity with this printable that promotes taking turns, movement, and developing…...
[Source: Stay At Home Educator] I LOVE sorting activities to reinforce letter identification and sounds.  Such activities have been wildly successful with my preschoolers in reviewing those important beginning reading skills.  Sometimes, though, it is appropriate to bring out something completely new,…...
February 23, 2021
[Original posted on PediaStaff Blog in February 2012] I found this activity on the Pinterest by Tot School Tumblr, and seems to have originated on The Clark Family blog, although I cannot find the original post. From Tot School Tumblr:  I made this really cool…...
Editor’s Note:  Rainbow time is coming!  Thank you to NEPA Special Needs Networking for sharing this post so we could share it with you!  This activity originally appeared on Learning 4, a cool Australian learning site. [Source:  Learning 4 Kids] Making…...
Editor’s Note:  We love these.  I am sure Christie wrote these with moody pre-teens in mind, but I think they are great for kids of all ages! [Source: Childhood 101] When she was younger our 10-year-old was a chatterbox, eager to share…...
February 23, 2021
[Source:  Doyle Speech Works] It’s March already! Wow! I have been on winter break this past week enjoying balmy temperatures when suddenly the temperature dropped to 5 degree! It’s hard to imagine it will ever be warm, but imagine I will. As…...
February 23, 2021
[Source: Science Daily] Dogs synchronize their behavior with the children in their family, but not as much as they do with adults, a new study from Oregon State University researchers found. The findings are important because there is a growing body of…...
Editor’s Note:  My favorite part of Instagram is seeing all the great ideas contributed through classroom and clinic photos by therapy clinicians all over the world.   These are regular working therapists that don’t necessarily have the the time to share their…...
February 22, 2021
[Source:   Medical X-Press] Boys who regularly play video games at age 11 are less likely to develop depressive symptoms three years later, finds a new study led by a UCL researcher. The study, published in Psychological Medicine, also found that girls who spend…...
February 22, 2021
[Source: Science Daily] A new study led by a University at Buffalo researcher has identified how specific communication among different brain regions, known as brain connectivity, can serve as a biomarker for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The research relied on a…...