Monthly Archive
February 2, 2021
Welcome to Issue number 43 of our special e-letter, “Teaching & Therapy Resources for Homebound Families”     (Did you miss our previous issues?| Read them HERE) Each week, this e-mailer features new resources, articles about this bizarre time we are living in, and…...
[Source: The OT Toolbox] Today, I have an update on a very old blog post for a specific reason. This fake snow messy sensory play activity is a valuable tool in addressing tactile defensiveness, or tactile sensitivity. In general descriptions, this simply…...
February 2, 2021
[Source: Kid PT] We’re all back in the swing on school after a nice holiday break off! With the transition back to school comes a shift in priorities, back to classes and schoolwork, and we know all you want to do is…...
[Source School Library Journal] Here are 16 recent picture books to share with little ones throughout the year but especially during Black History Month. Created by titans of kid lit and debut authors alike, the selections featured on this list encompass the everyday and…...
[Source:  Kids Activities] What a great time to learn about and celebrate African Americans– present-day and historical! We have a great list of Black History Month books, activities, and games for you and your littles. Let’s explore history and meet some people…...
February 2, 2021
[Source:  The Speech Room News] by Jenna Rayburn Wind up toys are some of my favorite toys for preschool.  I just love them! I find them super useful for our youngest communicators because they are very  entertaining but need an adult to…...
It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month!   Check out this Free social story about tooth brushing that I found this morning on And Next Comes L [Source: And Next Comes L] I am a firm believer in writing social stories for kids with autism or hyperlexia.…...
[Source:  Kid Companions] February is Pediatric Dental Health Month!!  All parents will be pleased to learn about this amazing kid’s book on visiting the dentist. Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist  written and illustrated by Marla Roth-Fisch helps all children overcome their fear of visiting the dentist. …...
[Source: Your Therapy Source] Do you need fine motor, gross motor, or visual perceptual Valentine’s Day ideas for school? Read below for FUN and ENGAGING ideas for your students at school to celebrate Valentine’s day and sneak in physical activity and motor…...
This idea is inspired by Pinterest and altered for speech and language goals and therapy by the folks at the ‘Word Nerd Speech Teach’ blog. ( Start by cutting out paper hearts in several colors. Print and cut out pictures of each…...