Monthly Archive
December 23, 2020
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099    HOT PART-TIME JOB opportunity ~ for a school-based Speech-Language Pathologist! We’re seeking a Speech-Language Pathologist to join our team! * You will start January 4 – end of the school year., May 27,…...
[Source: I Can Teach My Child] Little Brother and I are working on learning (and reinforcing) letter sounds.  I am also in the throes of learning how to juggle 3 kids…while nursing a newborn about 7-8 times each day.  Needless to say,…...
[Source:  Pre-K Pages] December with preschoolers can be a little hectic and filled with a high-level energy. Excitement is in the air and harnessing that feeling to get some learning done during the day can be a challenge. Here is an activity…...
[Source:] Bring in the New Year with these Easy New Years Crafts For Kids! These crafts are sure to be a hit at any kids’ party! They’re also a great way to pass the time as you and your little ones wait…...
December 22, 2020
[Source:  PrAACtical AAC] The new year brings hope and promise, something that the AAC community can always use a little more of. Here are some thoughts on strengthening our sustainability as AAC service providers as we embark on the upcoming year. View…...
Q-Tip Fireworks! [Source:] – Cut your Q Tips in various sizes. You can actually break them off pretty easily with your hands. Put some water in a small container and add food coloring (6-8 drops is good). Dip your swabs in…...
December 22, 2020
by Debra L. Kerner M.S. CCC/SLP I had only been an SLP for a few years and still had the grandiose ideas about life and speech therapy. I just KNEW that in Suburbia, MY students were going to be fixed and would make…...
[Source: Kix Cereal] Shake things up at celebrations with a fun, easy paper plate noisemaker you can personalize for the occasion! Whether it’s a family gathering (complete with all-generation dance party) or the New Year’s countdown, these inexpensive party favors are great…...
December 22, 2020
[Source: Your Therapy Source] Do you like to start fresh in the new year?  Do you set goals for yourself to accomplish during this time of year? Being a school-based therapist is a wonderful job but one of the most difficult aspects…...
December 21, 2020
[Source:  News Medical Life Sciences, Via CHADD] A new study by the UC Davis MIND Institute finds a connection between gestational age and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children with Down syndrome. The research, published in Scientific Reports, focused on children…...