Monthly Archive
[Source;  Medical X-Press] Significantly higher numbers of Generation Z boys and girls in the UK are dieting to lose weight, and are likely to overestimate their own weight, finds a new UCL-led study. The research, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found that girls who…...
November 16, 2020
[Source: The Dallas Morning News] Texas public school students with severe cognitive disabilities could receive up to $1,500 for tutoring, therapy, and other support services to address any learning disruptions suffered during the coronavirus pandemic. The Texas Education Agency and Gov. Greg…...
November 16, 2020
[Source: Science Daily] The brain encodes information collected by our senses. However, to perceive our environment and to constructively interact with it, these sensory signals need to be interpreted in the context of our previous experiences and current aims. In the latest…...
[Source: School Psychology Review] As school psychologists, we have an ethical responsibility to engage in social justice and antiracist action. School psychology organizations and graduate education programs play an important role in shaping future generations of school psychologists to lead the mental…...
November 16, 2020
[Source:  NY Times] People with intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders are three times more likely to die if they have Covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, compared with others with the diagnosis, according to a large analysis of insurance claims data.…...
November 12, 2020
Welcome to Issue number 34 of our special e-letter, “Teaching & Therapy Resources for Homebound Families”     (Did you miss our previous issues?| Read them HERE) Each week, this e-mailer features new resources, articles about this bizarre time we are living in, and…...
[Source: Crazy Speech World] Planning for mixed groups or those difficult to engage groups can be a challenge. I have found that using small, simple crafts is a way to keep hands busy and working! Because they are not complicated, we can…...
[Source:  Red Ted Art] Start Creative Studio has written many gorgeous guest posts for us here on Red Ted Art before. You can browse them all here. They are EASY and FUN and made from every day and recycled materials. Read the Rest…...
[Source:] We are still on a fine motor skills kick in our house so I wanted to do a CUT-Punch-PASTE project to make a Thanksgiving Fine Motor Activity. I thought back to our L is for Leaf Paper Punch Puzzle…...
November 11, 2020
[Source: Disability Scoop] New research suggests that virtual training can help parents learn to address behavior issues in their kids with autism, a development that could be especially meaningful amid the pandemic. In situations where families are unable to access in-person training…...