Monthly Archive
April 29, 2020
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099    PediaStaff is interviewing now for selected outpatient and early intervention pediatric therapy jobs.   For 14 years, our trusted clients have looked to PediaStaff to help them serve special needs children. Now…...
[Source:  No Time for Flashcards] I started writing this list of books for kids in quarantine with the idea that I’d just share my favorites. Still, soon it became apparent that so many of my favorites had lessons that would help young…...
[Source:  Medical Express] COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and profoundly changed the lives of children and families. Children aren’t going to school and many businesses have temporarily shut down. Many parents are working from home and essential front-line workers like doctors…...
[Source: The School-Based Health Alliance] The School-Based Health Alliance invites SBHC sponsor organizations and administrators and SBHC primary care and behavioral health clinicians to join their peers from across the nation to discuss, share, and learn from each other on how SBHCs…...
[Source:  The Inspired Treehouse] We’re definitely feeling the pressure of this extended time at home and I’ve been reminding my kids daily that one of the best ways we can keep ourselves busy and bring a little brightness to our lives right…...
[Source:] The beeps and whistles stopped long enough for Amelia McGowan to realize exactly what was going wrong. A paper jam … or in this case a filament jam. For nine hours a day, there’s a 3D printer spitting out line…...
April 28, 2020
[Source:  Speech Chick Therapy] I am glad I chose to write this post after my second week of teletherapy. If I had written it after the first week, it would have most likely been filled with **beeps**. I am not going to…...
[Source:  Chalkbeat] Education Secretary Betsy DeVos won’t recommend giving school districts the option to bypass major parts of federal special education law, the department announced Monday. The move will be celebrated by disability rights advocates, who had feared that giving districts any…...
Kids have a lot of questions right now. Why can’t they see their friends? How is this virus different than the cold? Why is school out? Well, Sesame Street, once again, has our backs. They organized a town hall with CNN, so…...
[Source:  NEA Today] In Wendy Turner’s class, social and emotional learning (SEL) comes first. “SEL is the foundation, the heartbeat of the classroom,” she says. “It’s about connecting everybody and making them feel safe and secure before you get to the academics.”…...