Monthly Archive
November 6, 2019
[Source:  The New Yorker] Few things are harder to study than human language. The brains of living humans can only be studied indirectly, and language, unlike vision, has no analogue in the animal world. Vision scientists can study sight in monkeys using…...
[Source:  Tiny Bop via School Psyched, Your School Psychologist on FB] Lately, it seems like every other day, we turn on the news or open up our social media to find that another tragedy has occurred. Each time we’re faced with these events,…...
By Ana Paula G. Mumy, MS, CCC-SLP I recently printed off a Thanksgiving Mad Lib page to try out with a couple of my clients.  I made the mistake of not reading it in its entirety before beginning the activity with one…...
[Source: The Measured Mom] Thank You to Smart Apps for Special Needs for recommending these great, free “Would You Rather” conversation starter cards on the Measured Mom blog.    These cards are perfect for carryover pragmatic language work , reasoning, and conversation…...
[Source:  Bren Did] Gratitude or thankfulness is a skill that can be learned through repetitive behavior. This free gratitude activity for kids is an easy way to practice thankfulness with your kids. Plus kids love the fun folded paper cootie catchers / fortune tellers.…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] This freebie challenges visual perceptual skills with a Thanksgiving theme. Practice visual motor, visual discrimination, visual spatial, visual closure and overall visual perceptual skills with these printables.  Print off multiple copies for your students and your activities are ready…...
November 5, 2019
[Source:  Disability Scoop] Exposure to acetaminophen in the womb may have some connection with a child’s risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder, suggests a new study published this week in JAMA Psychiatry. But experts caution that it is…...
[Source:  Medical X-Press] Professor Juan Lerma’s group, from the UMH-CSIC Institute of Neurosciences, in Alicante (Spain), has identified the gene called GRIK1, fundamental in the balance between excitation and inhibition in the brain, as one of the causes for people with Down…...
[Source:  Medical X-Press] The fundamental organization of brain networks is established in utero during the second and third trimesters of fetal development, according to research published in JNeurosci. The finding lays the groundwork for understanding how the prenatal period shapes future brain function.…...
November 4, 2019
[Source;  Medical X-Press] The more abnormal the microbiome in NICU infants, the more likely they are to experience stunted growth even at 4 years of age. While the growth stunting of premature infants has been well known, the role of the microbiome…...