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Reprinted with the express permission of the author. By: Gail Kervatt M. Ed. Board of Directors, SMG~CAN, author of The Silence Within, A Teacher/Parent Guide to Helping Selectively Mute and Shy Children and Summer break conjures up thoughts of lots of…...
[Source: No Time for Flashcards] The summer is a time for preschool teachers to review what they have in their classrooms, and what they still need. As a preschool teacher, my main focus after providing a safe, secure place that my students…...
[Source: Chicago Tribune] Thursday was the last day of school at Beye Elementary, and 6-year-old Matias Best didn’t want to go. Matias is on the autism spectrum, and transitions can be a challenge. Transitioning from the school year to summer break felt…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] What makes humans so different from other primates? Though our brains are similar, it seems that they react differently to various stimuli. New evidence suggests that human brains “listen” for musical pitch, a preference that scientists have not…...
[Source:  Disability Scoop] A feature film headed to theaters later this summer stars an actor with Down syndrome alongside a pair of Hollywood A-listers and it’s backed by some big names in the disability community. “The Peanut Butter Falcon” features box office…...
[Source:   Your Therapy Source] Shaving Cream Tracks is a fun activity to set up that encourages fine motor skills, tactile input and crossing midline.  You will need plates, toy cars and shaving cream for this activity.  This idea is from Therapeutic…...
[Source:  Crisis via School Psyched] What is emotional self regulation? Emotional self regulation is the ability to monitor and manage our own behavior. With self regulation, we can calm ourselves down when we’re distressed, and pick ourselves up when we’re low.…...
[Source: Disability Scoop] Nearly four years after “Sesame Street” introduced a muppet with autism, new research suggests that the show’s materials focused on the developmental disorder are making a difference. A collection of online materials from Sesame Workshop has helped increase knowledge…...
June 10, 2019
[Source: Your Therapy Source] After reading a thought provoking blog post from Christopher Alterio,OTR, on Deconstructing the myth of clothing sensitivity as a ‘sensory processing disorder’, it really made me think about how we talk to parents as pediatric therapists.  Not just about…...
[Source:  Disability Scoop] Lawmakers are looking to make it easier for students with disabilities to transition to college. Legislation introduced by a bipartisan group of senators late last month would ensure that individuals with disabilities have the information they need to choose…...