[Source: Medical News Today] They have only just learned to walk and talk—and have only just started to develop social relationships with children of their own age. Yet, these tiny toddlers already use cues of social status to decide which people they…...
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099 We have a need for a Speech-Language Pathologist in the wonderful Tacoma area (southeast). You could live in Tacoma, or if you prefer small towns you could live closer to Mt. Rainer. We need…...
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099 If you are looking for a life changing experience as a Physical Therapist then look no further. We’re looking for a unique individual interested in traveling to AK on an itinerant basis…...
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099 Are you looking for a great School Psychologist opportunity near Detroit? We are searching for a part-time School Psychologist for a 3-days-per-week position about 15 minutes from downtown Detroit. This is a…...
[Source: Medical X-Press] New evidence-based guidelines, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with input from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and others put forward recommendations for a broad range of health care providers responsible for detection…...
[Source: Your Therapy Source] Recent research was published by the Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy on increasing classroom participation of students with delays. Previous research has indicated that students with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been found to participate less in school-based activities. The…...
[Source: Greater Good Magazine via School Psyched, Your School Psychologist] Some days, I can see how profoundly anti-social technology makes my family, adults and teens alike. We joke that our kids get “screen stoned”—spacey and despondent, or irritable and aggressive. We may…...
[Source: Teaching Mama] Saying our family loves games is an understatement! Any kind of game, we are down. So naturally when I teach my kiddos, my go-to activity for learning is games. We have our fair share of games in the closet,…...
[Source: All 4 My Child] What happens when someone gives the children in your life presents they don’t like? Do they say, “Thank you” even if it’s not the present they were expecting? Do they recognize that the gift giver did something…...
[Source: Can Do Kiddos] During the second half of your baby’s first year, he’s supposed to develop what’s called a pincer grasp to pick up tiny objects. (Some people call it “pincher” but Occupational Therapists like me stick with the super-nerdy technical…...