Monthly Archive
[Source: Speech Techie] They say August is one long Sunday. Here in Massachusetts we still have about a month left until school even starts, so its difficult to see posts from friends across the country who have already started, as well as…...
August 27, 2018
[Source: Disability Scoop Texas needs to find up to $3.2 billion in the next three years to provide special education services to students who were previously denied them. A 2016 Houston Chronicle investigation and a subsequent federal audit found that the Texas Education Agency…...
August 27, 2018
[Source: Disability Scoop] A major standardized test-maker is being accused of illegally disclosing students’ disabilities. In a class action lawsuit filed this month, a group of students is accusing ACT, Inc. of sharing information about their disabilities on score reports sent to…...
August 27, 2018
[Souce: Science Daily] The journal Developmental Psychology is publishing the results, documenting that toddlers are sensitive to the opinions of others and that they will modify their behavior accordingly when others are watching. “We’ve shown that by the age of 24 months, children are…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.” You, like many…...
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099    Want a location that has something for just about everyone? We are seeking a Full-Time Special Education Autism Specialist for a beautiful district in the Salem, Oregon area for this 2018-19 SY.…...
August 23, 2018
[Source: Science Daily] Until recently, it was unusual for a teen to report initial feelings of gender dysphoria during or after puberty without childhood symptoms. Clinicians have reported that this kind of gender dysphoria is on the rise, particularly for patients whose…...
[Source:  Speech is Sweet] Wild About Books Wednesday is FINALLY back and just in time for one of my favorite seasons – fall! The beginning of the school year has been so hectic and I’m finally getting a spare moment to resurrect…...
[Source: Starfish Therapies] When a child first starts to walk, they are often in high guard (their arms up high), they are rigid through their trunk (no rotation or arm swing), and they have a wider base of support with a shorter…...
August 22, 2018
[Source:] Have you ever heard your child say something like: “I’m not good at this,” or “I’m so stupid,” or “It’s all my fault,” or even “I shouldn’t have even tried.” Perhaps some kids don’t say these things out loud, but…...