Monthly Archive
June 1, 2018
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099    Adventure in the great outdoors awaits you in Anchorage, AK!  If you’re an Occupational Therapist with tons of personality, a minimum of 5 years of experience, and a passion for pediatrics, we would…...
[Source: Pink Oatmeal] Summer is just around the corner!  Hooray!  School is out and many therapists and parents are looking for simple and fun activities to do with their kids or to send home with their kids.  At Pink Oatmeal, we’ve put…...
May 31, 2018
[Source: The Recycling OT] Children and adults with grasping challenges can engage in meaningful activities, especially sensory stimulation activities. Examples are:  placing their hands on top of textures to press or rub Providing a basin or tray filled with sensory materials such…...
[Source: Brick by Brick] I have kids who love the blocks center – who love to build and construct and explore how to make things. Sometimes it’s a challenge to find things that are different or that push them to explore in…...
May 30, 2018
[Source: Disability Scoop] Television network executives are doubling down on a comedy centering on the experiences of a teenager with cerebral palsy and his family. ABC said Tuesday that it will renew “Speechless” for a third season. The announcement comes as networks…...
May 30, 2018
[Source: Medical News Today] In a new study, investigators at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia turned to rhesus macaques to investigate the effects of two hormones — oxytocin and vasopressin — on social behavior. These primates are known for their aggressive, competitive behavior…...
[Source: The PreSchool Toolbox] Pre-writing play is necessary for preschoolers as grow and develop. Pre-writing skills are fundamental to coloring, holding a pencil, writing, and drawing. Help encourage your own preschooler’s emerging skills this summer with a zesty Mandarin Orange Playdough and…...
[Source: Science Daily] A new replication study of the well-known ‘marshmallow test’ — a famous psychological experiment designed to measure children’s self-control — suggests that being able to delay gratification at a young age may not be as predictive of later life…...
May 29, 2018
[Source: Medical X=Press] Scientists have found the first evidence suggesting emotional stress in infancy has significant and far-reaching effects on the body and could result in disease later in life. Psychological stress in infancy dramatically changes the amount of an important class…...
May 24, 2018
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or text us at 662-524-9099    Are you interested in being part of one of Charlotte’s top physical therapy practices, awarded with having the best Speech Therapists in Charlotte and recognized as having one of the “Top 50…...