Monthly Archive
[Source:  Lynne] Thinking, speaking or acting impulsively without planning or thinking things out poses social challenges for children. We can help children better manage their impulsive thoughts, words, and actions by using a storytelling activity we call The Thought Bubble Technique.…...
November 15, 2017
[Source:  Disability Scoop] Texas enrolled its largest number of students in special education programs last school year, the same year the state’s education department officially got rid of an arbitrary cap it put in place more than a decade ago. In the…...
[Source: Dinosaur PT] As a Pediatric Physical Therapist, I am always looking for new ways to encourage carry over of the work during our individual PT sessions. Especially in regards to postural awareness, trunk strength, & promoting lower body weight bearing to…...
[Source:  Science Daily] NitroSynapsin is intended to restore an electrical signaling imbalance in the brain found in virtually all forms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). “This drug candidate is poised to go into clinical trials, and we think it might be effective…...
November 14, 2017
[Source:  Speech and Language Kids] Do you have children who need to work on social skills mixed in with other students? Lauren DiBiase from At the Heart of Speech Therapy joined us live on October 23rd to share her 5 tips for…...
November 14, 2017
[Source:  Your Kids Table] Sam, that’s my oldest son, was around 16 months old and I can remember thinking, “Is he old enough?”  I stood there staring at the finger paints and then at him, wondering if he would be able to…...
[Source:  Sugar Aunts] If you need a quick and easy little activity for the kids while you are making dinner, or just something fun for the kids to keep practice a few fine motor skills, then this is a great activity for you.  Simple…...
November 14, 2017
Yep.  That is right.  PediaStaff has just completed the re certification process with the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. WBENC Certification validates that the business is 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women.  WBENC’s world-class certification is accepted…...
November 13, 2017
[Source:  The Atlantic] In his new book, Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, the writer, Wharton professor, and erstwhile magician Adam Grant explores the circumstances that give rise to truly original thinkers. Through stories of business “originals” such as the Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio,…...
November 13, 2017
[Source;  Medical X-Press] Ulrika Nörby, Ph.D., from Lund University in Sweden, and colleagues examined perinatal outcomes for singletons born between 2006 and 2014 in Sweden after maternal use of ADHD medication during pregnancy. Infants exposed to ADHD medication during pregnancy were compared…...