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Call Today at 866-733-4278 or     Summer School Nurse is needed to work part time starting June 20th in a school near Burbank, IL for 4 weeks! *  MUST be a RN *  Nurse will ride the school bus with a student…...
May 11, 2017
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or     Speech-Language Pathologist needed to work full time in the Dundee, IL area serving a one district on a full time basis. * Strong CFs will be considered. * Candidate must be bilingual in Spanish/English * Candidate…...
May 11, 2017
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or     Speech-Language Pathologist Job Opportunity starting in August for the 2017-18 school year! * School Based Contract Position, likely pre-k through 8th grade * Must be bilingual in Spanish * Full time position * Hours are estimated…...
[Source: Science Daily] Darlene Kertes and colleagues tested the commonly held belief that pet dogs provide social support for kids using a randomized controlled study — the gold standard in research. “Many people think pet dogs are great for kids but scientists…...
[Source:  Child Mind Institute] Sometimes anxiety is easy to identify — when a child is too nervous to read aloud or make a presentation in class. Other times anxiety in the classroom can look like something else entirely — an upset stomach,…...
[Source:  Huffington Post] The largest-ever brain imaging study on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has led scientists to say the condition should be considered a neurological disorder, not just a behavioral one. The brain structures of children with ADHD differ in small but significant…...
May 10, 2017
[Source: Starfish Therapies] One of the muscles we focus on when we are working with kids, or young adult (or even ourselves if we’re being honest) is the hip abductor, or the outer hip muscle. This muscle may be on the smaller…...
[Source: Disability Scoop] In a first, a new comic book debuting this summer will feature a superhero with an extra 21st chromosome. Comic book publisher Lion Forge said they will introduce a character named Jonah, a teenage boy with Down syndrome, in…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] Don’t you love activities that require little prep and include more than one domain of development?  I do for sure so I created this Summer Match Up board that you can download for free below from the Summer…...
May 9, 2017
[Source:  Science Daily] Day and night, it’s processing signals from all over the body, from recognizing the wriggles of the child’s own fingers and toes to the sound of mommy’s or daddy’s voice. Though much of how the infant brain works and…...