Monthly Archive
May 4, 2017
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or     PediaStaff has a need for a full-time Speech-Language Pathologist in the Shelton area for the 2017-2018 school year, and we are ready to start interviewing now! Opportunities are available to work with children from age 3…...
[Source: Education Week] The National Center for Learning Disabilities released Tuesday a new edition of its “State of Learning Disabilities” report, which gathers sobering statistics, first-person articles, and suggestions educators, parents and lawmakers can use to support children and youth with learning…...
[Source:  Best Practice Autism] Impairment in social communication and interaction is a core feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Social skills deficits include difficulties with initiating interactions, maintaining reciprocity, taking another person’s perspective, and inferring the interests of others.  Unfortunately, many children…...
[Source:  ASHA] Each May, Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) provides an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders and role of ASHA members in providing life-altering treatment. For 2017, our theme is “Communication: The Key to Connection.” We have many resources…...
[Source: I Can Teach My Child] Today is the first day of our 31 Days of Outdoor Toddler Activities series!  Just this morning I wasn’t sure this series was going to happen…I got stuck in a tiny town overnight due to a…...
May 2, 2017
[Source:  Disability Scoop] Online retail giant Zappos is looking to make it simpler for kids and adults with disabilities to find clothes that meet their sensory and physical needs. The retailer said recently that it is launching a special section on its…...
[Source: Medical News Today] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Brineura (cerliponase alfa) as a treatment for a specific form of Batten disease. Brineura is the first FDA-approved treatment to slow loss of walking ability (ambulation) in symptomatic pediatric patients…...
[Source:  Meaningful Mama] Cotton ball races are fun. There are rainy days around her in the great Pacific NW where we just don’t go outside. I’m kind of a fair weather mom like that. However, if we are going to be stuck…...
May 1, 2017
Call Today at 866-733-4278 or     A great pediatric clinic with several locations in the Houston area seeks a speech-language pathologist to join their team on a full time basis on the south side of Houston. *  Previous pediatric outpatient clinic experience…...
[Source:  MindShift] Many teachers are excited about the compelling research on the power of a growth mindset to change student perceptions of themselves as learners. Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck discovered that when kids receive a message that their brains are malleable…...