Monthly Archive
[Source: Medical News Today] Möbius is an extremely rare congenital facial paralysis that is usually bilateral and complete. The paralysis leaves the face expressionless, which makes it difficult for persons with Möbius to express emotions or indicate that they understand a conversation…...
[Source:  Friendship] Have a child, grandchild or student who is not coping well because he feels different from his friends and classmates? So often children feel they are “different” than their peers. Whether it is a perception or a reality that…...
November 16, 2015
[Source:  Pre-K] Creating corn mosaic art requires only basic materials. But it also requires a tremendous amount of patience and dexterity, two challenges for little hands. The small corn pieces are great for reinforcing pincher grip, while squeezing out the glue…...
[Source:  Science Daily] Organized extracurricular sport activities for children help them develop and improve cognitive skills, such as greater concentration capacity, that can in term greatly help them in the classroom, says Université de Montréal professor Linda Pagani. Pagani is presenting her…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] Please Support our Contributors!  Visit Your Therapy  ...
November 13, 2015
We are having a great time at ASHA 2015 in Denver. Thursday we hosted over 800 of you at our booth and can’t wait to meet just as many if not more of you Friday and Saturday! It is always so great…...
November 12, 2015
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] Have you ever heard of the SNARC effect?  I had not, so when I read about it in a research article I decided to find out more information.  SNARC stands for spatial-numerical association of response codes.   The SNARC effect…...
November 12, 2015
[Source: Science Daily] Researchers found that 4-year-olds in Head Start classrooms that included higher concentrations of 3-year-olds were up to five months behind in academic development compared with their peers in classrooms with fewer younger children. That’s a problem because, as of…...
November 11, 2015
[Source: Medical News Today] Researchers at Orlando Health have developed a blood test that can detect even the most subtle signs of a concussion in children, correctly identifying the presence of traumatic brain injuries 94 percent of the time in a recent study.…...
November 11, 2015
[Source: Pre-K] Play dough is always popular with my children. They love molding their play dough into all sorts of things. They also enjoy using extra props and materials in their creations. For this activity we used popcorn kernels, green play…...