Monthly Archive
November 11, 2015
[Source: Activity Tailor] I attend the ASHA convention most years.  While the beginning of the school year is a great time to replenish supplies and organize materials, by the time ASHA rolls around, and I’ve got a better idea of what my…...
My Feelings is a therapist-endorsed game that encourages children to explore emotions in fun, active (and sometimes very silly) ways!  Therapists and parents gain insight while the child learns to recognize and manage his or her feelings in ways that are positive and socially appropriate. Here’s…...
November 11, 2015
[Source:  Medical X-Press] (HealthDay)—The complications and medical treatments that extremely preterm or extremely small newborns experience in their first weeks of life can have an impact years later, a new study reveals. Preemies who had bleeding in their brain or who received…...
November 10, 2015
Are you going to ASHA in Denver this week???  Are you NOT able to attend but have a PediaStaff Toobaloo from years past?   If you answered YES to either of those questions, you can win an Apple Watch just by showing…...
November 10, 2015
Are you attending ASHA in Denver?  We cant wait to see you in just two days!! Don’t forget to download the Mira Mobile Conference App.   In the Apple Store, or in Google Play, search for “Mira Mobile” The conference app is…...
Editor’s Note:  Thank you to Kimberly at Music Therapy Maven for the Link to this great article.  Please thank her by supporting her blog! [Source: Ido in Autismland] by Ido Kedar Introduction:  Last year I was asked by two neuro-researchers to describe…...
[Source:  OTs with Apps] Among the updates in the new iOS 9 operating system, offered late October 2015, are additional features for touch accommodations. These setting are wonderful additions to students with motor impairments but also highly relevant when working with adults…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] This freebie challenges visual perceptual skills with a Thanksgiving theme. Practice visual motor, visual discrimination, visual spatial, visual closure and overall visual perceptual skills with these printables.  Print off multiple copies for your students and your activities are ready…...
[Source: Science Daily] Would your ability to resist a tantalizing cookie improve if you had to wait a few seconds before you could reach for it? The idea that natural urges ‘die down’ with time seems intuitive, but new research shows that…...
November 9, 2015
Editor’s Note:  This is a fantastic article that School Based OTs might like to share with the classroom teachers they work with! {Source:  Differentiated Kindergarten] Some of our little ones come to our classes without ever having held a pencil, and suddenly,…...