Monthly Archive
June 23, 2015
[Source:  Medical News Today] A risk gene for dyslexia is associated with impairments in visual motion detection, according to a study published May 27 in The Journal of Neuroscience. Mutations in the gene DCDC2 have previously been associated with dyslexia, and this…...
June 23, 2015
[Source:  Teach Me To Talk] Join pediatric speech-language pathologist Laura Mize, M.S., CCC-SLP as she answers a mother’s questions about her little boy who is a “mystery” to his evaluators. Will NOT having a firm diagnosis negatively affect treatment outcomes? Can we select…...
June 23, 2015
[Source:] Kids in the U.S. are spending less time outside. Even in kindergarten, recess is being cut back. But in the small town of Quechee, Vt., a teacher is bucking that trend: One day a week, she takes her students outside…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] New research by investigators at the University of Massachusetts Medical School suggests the immune system plays an unsuspected and surprising role in the progression of Rett syndrome, a severe neurological disorder affecting children. Immune cells known as macrophages…...
[Source:  Education Week] Early-grades reading instruction has long been a central point of emphasis—and concern—for educators and policymakers. That’s in large part owing to a provocative body of research showing that students who don’t read with proficiency by the end of 3rd…...
June 22, 2015
[Source:  Medical News Today] Scientists at the Salk Institute have discovered that the role of neurons — which are responsible for specific tasks in the brain — is much more flexible than previously believed. By studying sensory neurons in mice, the Salk…...
[Source:  Science Daily] At the forefront of a field known as “neurocriminology,” Adrian Raine of the University of Pennsylvania has long studied the interplay between biology and environment when it comes to antisocial and criminal behavior. With strong physiological evidence that disruption…...
[Source: Science Daily] A class of FDA-approved cancer drugs may be able to prevent problems with brain cell development associated with disorders including Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome, researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute have found. The researchers’…...
June 17, 2015
[Source: HeartSpace PT] I am honoured to work/teach with Julie Wiebe PT.  I’m very excited about this application of Dynamic Core for Kids and I am grateful  for her permission to re-post her recent blog. Because I talk about incontinence, I often…...
June 17, 2015
[Source:  Erik X. Raj] As a speech-language pathologist, I would say that I was trained to be very much in tune with words and how words have a lot of strength to them. The average person usually just talks and uses words…...