Monthly Archive
November 10, 2014
[Source:  Medical News Today] Disturbances in the early stages of brain growth, such as preterm birth – when many of the brain’s structures have not yet fully developed – appears to affect the brain’s neuro-circuitry, which may explain premature babies’ higher risk…...
Thank You to Your Therapy Source for the heads-up on this FREE resource! MakeBeliefsComix ( is a FREE website that has been around for some time now.  I have recommended it before but now they added even more!  There are new characters…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] With more than a third of diabetes cases in the US occurring in people over the age ge of 65, the illness is often referred to as an age-related condition. But around 208,000 children and adolescents are estimated to…...
[Source: No Time for Flash Cards] One of the guinea pigs in my son’s preschool classroom died and that sparked some questions, which sparked this post. This subject is one I wish never had to be taught but books are always good…...
[Source:] The 2014 calendar features almost 200 National Health Observances with up-to-date information and outreach materials. At, they also have NHO toolkits to help you make a difference. Show everyone that your organization is committed to health and wellness. Use NHO…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] A randomized controlled study was published on 30 children with Down syndrome, where 15 children received physical therapy and 15 children received physical therapy and whole body vibration training. Both groups participated 3x/week for 6 months. The groups…...
[Source:  Science Daily] For the first time, toddlers with autism have demonstrated significant improvement after intensive intervention by parents rather than clinicians, according to a new Florida State University study published online in the journal Pediatrics. “We’ve come up with a treatment model…...
[Source:  Erk X. Raj] I received an amazing email last week from a friend of mine. In the message, she wrote about how she loved my recent blog post about using YouTube within speech-language therapy sessions, but wondered if I had any suggestions…...
[Source:  The Guardian] by David Cox Could a child’s dyslexia be the result of the mother’s diet? The idea that our health may be determined in part by decisions made before we were born is an uncomfortable and controversial one. Yet vast amounts of…...
November 4, 2014
by Christina Samuels A little over half of high school students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are receiving some kind of services from their schools, such as additional time on tests or extended time to complete homework assignments, a recent study finds. But those…...