Monthly Archive
May 16, 2014
[Source:  Science Daily] One in ten 16-year-olds surveyed in a new study has considered self-harm or taking an overdose. “Although mental health campaigns have for some time attempted to de-stigmatise mental ill-health, by far the most likely reason why young people self-harm…...
[Source:  Your Therapy Source] An interesting study was published in Child Development comparing the motivational levels of children willing to help adults based on how the children were asked to help.  The participants included about 150, 3-6 year olds, who participated in two…...
May 15, 2014
Regardless of the outcome of my interview this afternoon (fingers crossed), I want to thank Lauren, my staffing consultant at PediaStaff for her poise and professionalism throughout. The level of support from Pediastaff is exceptional. As a result of the experience, I…...
May 15, 2014
  QUESTION:  Will PediaStaff be able to find me a job or assignment anywhere I want to go? ANSWER:  Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Remember, PediaStaff is a business, so our services (although free to our therapist applicants) do cost our client…...
[Source: Hands on a We Grow] Henry’s been flying through his sight word lists lately. I’ve been so proud of him. Some we haven’t even practiced at home, he’s just learning them so quickly on his own at school. But I like to bring…...
The Kiss Box is a sweet, sweet book about separation anxiety. From Amazon: “In this soothing love story between mother and child, Mama Bear offers various vessels to contain their love while they are apart–but none seem right. It’s not until Little…...
Congratulations to Mindy O., SLP on her part-time early intervention position in California’s “Gold Country” through PediaStaff! Mindy will be providing EI speech and language services in a home-based environment in their home based program which serves several counties.    This is a great opportunity…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] Children with autism experience deficits in a type of immune cell that protects the body from infection. Called granulocytes, the cells exhibit one-third the capacity to fight infection and protect the body from invasion compared with the same cells in…...
May 12, 2014
[Source: Globe and Mail] Some say that deeds speak louder than words, but one can argue that it is only through words that we have a voice and can make our thoughts and intentions palpable. Words have the power to teach, inspire,…...
[Source:  Medical News Today] The Occupational Therapy team at The Huntercombe Group’s specialist Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre at Frenchay (Bristol), are exploring the use of mirror therapy to aid motor recovery in patients with acquired brain injury who are suffering from hemi-paresis…...