Monthly Archive
May 6, 2013
[Source: Science Daily] The biggest study of fetal growth and autism to date has reported that babies whose growth is at either extreme in the womb, either very big or very small, are at greater risk of developing autism. It is the…...
May 6, 2013
[Source:  Child Psychiatry and Human Development via Your Therapy Source] Child Psychiatry and Human Development published research on the role of sensory modulation deficits and behavioral symptoms in a diagnosis for young children.  Using clinical observation 78 toddlers were divided into two…...
[Source:  Science Daily] When children with conduct problems see images of others in pain, key parts of their brains don’t react in the way they do in most people. This pattern of reduced brain activity upon witnessing pain may serve as a…...
[Source: Science Daily] Researchers at the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program at IDIBELL led by Manel Esteller, ICREA researcher and professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona, have described alterations in noncoding long chain RNA sequences (lncRNA) in Rett syndrome. These…...
Image Credit: Alexandra Day from the “Carl” series of Wordless Storybooks [Source: Science] Researchers at the University of Waterloo have found that children hear more complex language from parents when they read a storybook with only pictures compared to a picture-vocabulary…...
May 2, 2013
[Source: Your Therapy Source] The Journal of Attention Disorders published research on hand preference and its association with ADHD, severity symptoms, age, gender, comorbid psychiatric problems, or parental characteristics. Participants included 520 children (mean age of 9.04 years). Each subject was assessed…...
May 2, 2013
[Source:  Medical News Today] Infants who sweat less in response to scary situations at age 1 show more physical and verbal aggression at age 3, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Lower…...
[Source:  Play on] “What If You Had Animal Teeth?” by Sandra Markle has the right combination of goofy comparisons, outrageous illustrations and fascinating animal facts to appeal to kids. Open the book and you are greeted with a child’s open mouth…...
by Danielle Reed To say that artic therapy can get bland quickly would be an understatement!  I am constantly wracking my brain trying to find a new and fun way to target sentence and conversation levels.  Particularly for my oh-so-cool 3rd and…...
April 30, 2013
[Source: Take] Jack Carroll would rather laugh about his disability than hide it. Jack Carroll is a 14-year-old stand-up comedian. He also happens to have cerebral palsy, which is the central theme of his act. The teen recently appeared on the…...