Monthly Archive
By: Loren Shlaes, OTR/L Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique “Man, through the use of his hands, as they are energized by his mind and will, can influence the state of his own health.” {Mary Reilly, 1962} In order to do and…...
By: Anne Cronin, Davidson Institute for Talent Development 2003 This article by Anne Cronin offers an explanation of sensory integration, SI dysfunctions, and how it might affect gifted and talented individuals. The author also discusses implications in terms of development. A sensory…...
[Source: ScienceDaily] It’s not just the words, but the sounds of words that have meaning for us. This is true for children and adults, who can associate the strictly auditory parts of language — vowels produced in the front or the back…...
Here is a great list of 50 fine motor skills activities for older children written by ‘Mr. Jeremy’ of the New Hope International School in Tokyo. Jeremy has a nice blog that we will continue to monitor. [Source: Make Learning Fun] Fine…...
July 19, 2011
[Source: Medical News Today] Neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) have defined, for the first time, three different processing stages that a human brain needs to identify sounds such as speech – and discovered that they are the same as ones…...
by Lindsey Biel Summertime can be both wonderful and stressful for kids with sensory issues and their families. Why do some kids seem to regress over the summer while others zoom ahead? Changes in routine, unfamiliar activities, food, faces, places, and sounds…...
Here is a video that has been traveling the “Viral Video Circuit.” Any of you who have elementary or middle school aged children might know have had Parry Gripp’s music stuck in your head! (Do you like Waffles?) We thought it might…...
July 13, 2011
ABOUT THIS SITE: The information below was extracted from the Stuttering Home Page by the SID4 Schools Task Force (Susan Cochrane (chair), Kristin Chmela, Leslie Furmanski, Nancy Ribbler, Glenn Tellis, and Vickie Williams) and Judy Kuster as links especially relevant to school-based…...
By: Jessie Koller copyright 2011. This blog post has been reprinted with express permission of the author as it appeared on her blog PlayCreateExplore I had a small plastic Geoboard when I was a kid that I just loved to play with!…...
[Source: The Disability Scoop] A group of parents is accusing the Philadelphia schools of illegally shuffling kids with disabilities from one school to another. Now, they’re taking their case to federal court. Under a Philadelphia School District policy, all students with autism…...