Monthly Archive
Editor’s Note: Here is a video on Selective Mutism that aired on the new magazine show ’20/20′ a while back that we found in the news archives. We thought it would be worth sharing with you.  ...
By: Thaashida L. Hutton, M.S., CCC-SLP [Source: Super] Editor’s Note: Thank you to Judith Kuster of MSU for calling our attention to this handout that we might share the link with you here. The salivary glands in our mouth produce s…...
Special Thanks to Therapy Fun Zone for this Activity of the Week. Please support our contributors and visit Therapy Fun Zone Any square piece of paper can be made into a Cootie Catcher. Fold two corners together and crease firmly. unfold. Then…...
[Source: The Stuttering Foundation] Over the last several years, the Stuttering Foundation has kept accurate data on the calls it has received from concerned parents of 13,184 preschool children who are reported to be stuttering. The number of enquiries rises sharply at…...
By: Cathy Gaines, CCC-SLP, EdS. Most girls will benefit from Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), which includes any methods used in place of speech. Everyone uses AAC through written language, body language and facial expression. These avenues may be difficult for the…...
  By: Erik X. Raj, CCC-SLP Copyright 2011. Reprinted with the express permission of the author as it appeared on his blog Artic Brain Psst! Hey you. Yeah, YOU! I want to let you in on a little secret. I have been…...
June 29, 2011
[Source: Medical News Today] Children with dyslexia often find it difficult to count the number of syllables in spoken words or to determine whether words rhyme. These subtle difficulties are seen across languages with different writing systems and they indicate that the…...
[Source:] People with Asperger syndrome have problems with social interaction and attentiveness, and are also sensitive to noise and light. Several of these characteristics were evident to parents during their child’s first two years, reveals Petra Dewrang’s thesis in psychology at…...
June 28, 2011
[Source: HealthDay/US News & World Report] MONDAY, June 27 (HealthDay News) — Although there’s been some improvement in the number of pediatricians checking toddlers for developmental delays, more than half still don’t routinely do so, a new study finds. Click here to…...
[Source: Time Magazine] Some unproven psychological therapies and techniques for autism aren’t simply ineffective. They can split families and cause untold harm to children, as one family in Michigan learned at terrible cost. The Detroit Free Press recently published a six-part investigation…...