Monthly Archive
By: Sandra McKinnis, M.A., CCCSLP Research conducted over the past 38 years has established that reading is not just the visual memory task it was once thought to be. As early as 1972, Kavanaugh and Mattingly in “Language by Ear and by…...
April 22, 2011
Program: PBS NewsHour Episode: Autism’s Causes: Demand for Educational Resources for Children Outstrips Supply For public school systems, the demand for special educational and treatment resources for children with autism often outpaces what is available. In the fourth report in his Autism…...
April 22, 2011
[Source: The New York Times] As people streamed into Graceview Baptist Church in Tomball, Tex., early one Saturday morning in January, two armed guards stood prominently just inside the doorway of the sanctuary. Their eyes scanned the room and returned with some…...
April 21, 2011
Photo Credit: phillifan99 [Source:] Today (April 20, 2011) , the Interactive Autism Network (IAN),, the nation’s largest online autism research project, reveals the preliminary results of the first major survey on wandering and elopement among individuals with autism spectrum disorders…...
April 21, 2011
Program: PBS NewsHour Episode: Autism’s Causes: How Close Are We to Solving the Puzzle? The rise in the number of reported autism cases has caused a surge in research to find the causes. For the latest thinking, Robert MacNeil speaks with four…...
Special Thanks to our friend Jourdan, the author of the Future SLPs blog for the heads up on this great resource for therapists to share with parents/guardians. [Source: Future SLPs] Below are some great websites to distribute to parents/teachers if they want…...
[Source: Medical] Photo Credit: Pirol3333 Those childhood music lessons could pay off decades later – even for those who no longer play an instrument – by keeping the mind sharper as people age, according to a preliminary study published by the…...
Special Thanks to Pamela Ullmann and her Full Spectrum blog for this week’s Therapy Activity of the Week. Some children on the spectrum seek sensory input when I work with them in art therapy. One client that I work with can not…...
Editor’s Note: This article was written for parents.  We feature it here so that you might choose to share it with the parents of your kiddos [Source: John Robison’s Blog on the Huffington Post] Parents often ask me when they should talk…...
Thank You to our friends at Healing Thresholds for the heads up on this fascinating article. [Source: New York Times] A researcher analyzing the sounds in languages spoken around the world has detected an ancient signal that points to southern Africa as…...