Monthly Archive
April 4, 2011
By: Heidi Kay for ASHAsphere Copyright 2011. Reprinted with the express permission of  ASHA as it appeared on their blog ASHAsphere Editor’s Note: I was asked to write this article for the ASHA blog. We thought it would be a nice resource…...
Often sedentary and hard to motivate, this developmentally disabled population can benefit from reward and routine surrounding fitness goals [Source: The Chicago Tribune] For the typical adult, getting to the gym requires manipulation. You know it’s good for you, that you’ll feel…...
[Source: Science Daily] Brain scans of aggressive and antisocial teenage boys with conduct disorder (CD) have revealed differences in the structure of the developing brain that could link to their behavior problems. The study reveals that the brain differences were present regardless…...
March 30, 2011
By: Loren Shlaes, OTR/L Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique Very often, the children I treat in my sensory integration practice have balance and equilibrium problems. They have an uneasy relationship with gravity and can’t hold themselves up effortlessly against it. They…...
March 30, 2011
Thanks to Donna Freeman at Yoga In My for this terrific video that presents a mindful listening game which promotes conscious awareness of sounds, improves listening skills and is ideal for the Easter season. Using a variety of commonly found items…...
By: Stephenie Labandz, PT Editor’s Note: Easy Stand, a manufacturer of standers, created this video, but it really is a wonderful, educational and unbiased piece on standing and standers. “Small Steps to Standing Tall” is a Physical Therapist’s perspective on the steps…...
Here’s a video that has gone viral all over the internet, and most people won’t even fully appreciate what it says about twins and language development. Enjoy!! Watch a Story that ABC broadcast about Twin Talk in Response to this Video! Read…...
[Source: US News and World Report/HealthDay] Many parents know that heart-stopping feeling of being at the park or the mall, and suddenly losing track of their child. For the parents of autistic children, those concerns can be even more intense. Though wandering…...
[Source: US News and World Report/HealthDay] Children with Tourette syndrome perform behavioral tests of cognitive motor control more quickly and accurately than those without the disorder, a new study found. Click here to find out more! Tourette syndrome is characterized by repeated…...
March 28, 2011
Editor’s Note: We have changed the title of this article to reflect our preference for ‘person-first’ language, but we cannot control the use of the word “autistic” in the body of the article below. [Source: Idaho State Journal] Nathan Bollar is 18…...