Pediatric Therapy Corner: 36 Fun Summer Activities for Kids Who are Blind or Multiply Disabled

During long breaks from school we’re always looking for something fun (and preferably educational) for Ivan to do. I like to search through Pinterest and parenting blogs looking for fun summer-time activities, but it can be very difficult to find projects or outings that are appropriate for a young child who is blind and has multiple disabilities.
So we adapt the activities that we find online, ask our friends for ideas and make up some of our own. Here are some ideas for you to try with your child this summer….
- Park: If there’s a nice park or playground nearby, then you’ll want to head out and try the slides and swings. Ivan has so much fun at the park, but I must admit that it can get boring pretty quickly for us parents. We need a little more variety.
- Bikes: We like to take Ivan out on his Rifton adaptive tricycle. He can ride his bike up and down the sidewalk and maybe some of the neighborhood kids will come out to ride with him!
- Picnics: Anything that involves eating works for Ivan. A picnic at the park is a nice change of pace.
- Water Park: Now we’re getting into summer! Ivan loves the water and has a blast scooting around the water park.
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